5 years of marriage, a house, and mounds of memories. How does one separate these things when moving and keep a positive attitude? It's hard. I've been "packing" for a few days now and tonight it's time to pack the kitchen. Who would have thought that this room is
THE room that is stirring my emotions? This room is making me want to stop packing and cry. Cry not because I am getting a divorce but cry because leaving something I built is hard. For me, this has been the longest I have ever lived in a home. Sometimes emotions can be overwhelming and leave us with a sense of paralyzation. To fight this I have put together a things to keep your chin up list. Enjoy.

MUSIC: Tonight I have chosen the band
School of Seven Bells. Here is a link to their myspace. BUY IT.
Friends: Call them, hug them, BUG THEM, reach out to them. You have chosen them for a reason.
Books: Inspirational books are so helpful in these times. I am reading:
Be here NOW,
The Power of NOW.
DO NOT EAT JUNK FOOD: I did tonight and trust me, it didn't help!
Think of all the reasons why you left and why you are leaving.
DO NOT second guess your decisions.
I wish you the best! What helps you? Let me know!
you are so strong julia. thinking about you guys as you move...